23,000 members

    To help high-integrity leaders make great decisions that benefit their companies, families and communities.


    TRUST - faith in one another's integrity: openness and confidentiality.
    CARING - authentic commitment to one another: unbiased and nonjudgmental.
    CHALLENGE - courage to search for truth together: honesty, vulnerability and accountability.
    GROWTH - professional, personal and organizational: connectivity with others, and subject matter expertise.

    the experience

    Put twelve or so high performing business executives in a room and the potential is enormous. Thinly reasoned conclusions have no place in a Vistage group. The hallmark of our groups is something we call Issue Processing. It’s a structured, thorough and efficient approach to helping members think through the dynamics of a challenge. It forces you to push beyond your assumptions and get to the real issues. That’s critical to understanding and evaluating your options before making a decision and taking action. The process is a bit like working on a postgraduate business case in real time. Only the subject is your business.


    Since 1957, Vistage has been bringing together successful CEOs, executives and business owners into private advisory groups. Each group is purpose-built to help members help each other improve the performance and outcomes of their businesses. In each group, about fifteen executives meet once a month to solve problems, evaluate opportunities and work on an assortment of strategic and operational issues. Over 20,000 companies are growing significantly faster than average with help from their leader’s Vistage involvement.


    “Vistage is where we come to talk more about our failures than our successes. Everywhere else I go as CEO I talk about success, when I come to Vistage I can talk about what isn’t going so well.” - David Belden, CEO


    23,000 + Executive leaders can't be wrong!


    PICTURE = 1,000 WORDS | VIDEO = 10,000 WORDS